This assembly is organized to build a stronger grassroots movement to challenge racism, Islamophobia and anti-immigrant/anti-refugee attacks. This assembly will gather Black, Brown, Muslim community members who are victims of these oppressions and who are leading work against these oppressions.
This event will feature food, arts and discussions about building a stronger movement together. There is no cost to attend this assembly. Childcare and Spanish to English translation services will be provided.
For more information, contact info@muslimsforsocialjustice.org or call at 919-355-8026.
This assembly is organized by Muslims for Social Justice.
Partners for this assembly include:
Education Justice Alliance
SpiritHouse NC
Black Workers for Justice
UE150 NC Public Service Workers Union
Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center
Hip Hop for Justice
North Carolina Fair Share CDC
Raleigh PACT
Alerta Migratoria NC
Muslim Women For
Movement to End Racism and Islamophobia
Project South